歌唱藝術:我們的聲樂老師評價年輕唱歌人才The Art of Singing: Our Vocal Coach Reviews Young Talents

The Art of Singing: Our Vocal Coach Reviews Young Talents
🎤 體驗我們的聲樂教練對年輕歌手的指導!
🌟 預期內容:
👉 記得按讚、留言和訂閱以獲取更多發聲指導技巧!
🎤 Experience Our Vocal Coach's Take on Young Singers!
Join us as our talented vocal coach delves into the unique vocal styles of young artists. We’ll explore what sets each performance apart, from vocal skills to emotional impact.
🌟 What to Anticipate:
In-Depth Evaluation: Discover each singer’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Unique Perspectives: See how various viewpoints can uncover hidden potential.
Helpful Insights: Gain practical advice for aspiring performers.
Whether you're a coach, a budding artist, or simply a music lover, this video offers inspiration and expert insights.
👉 Remember to like, comment, and subscribe for more vocal coaching tips!
🏆Next Chinese Golden Buzzer Global Online Singing Contest🏆
誰是下一個華人🔑黃金按鈕得主 - 全球綱上🎤歌唱大賽 - 第一季
Step onto the 💭dream stage and realize your 🎤music dream! Sing & You Music Academy was founded by Dr. Steve 🧑🏫, a singing instructor and father of Celine Tam, a famous singer in Hong Kong, China, with 40 years of teaching experience. The academy is committed to discovering the musical potential of 👧children and teenagers 💁♂️, cultivating their confidence on stage 🎭, and inspiring them to have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. If you also want to discover your or your children's musical potential, you must not miss this rare opportunity to show your talents!
Deadline for uploading works: 23:59 (HKT) on March 30, 2025⏰
Participate in the National Singing Contest
Finals venue: National Competition of Masters and Apprentices (Hunan Satellite TV Large Studio - Changsha, China)
Participating groups:
Infant group: 5-6 years old
Children Group A: 7-8 years old
Children Group B: 9-10 years old
Children Group C: 11-12 years old
Youth group: 13-14 years old
Youth group: 15-16 years old
Youth group: 17-24 years old
The champion of each age group will receive an additional $23,000 music video or the opportunity to perform in a large shopping mall in Malaysia
Participate in the national singing competition
踏上💭夢想舞台,實踐你的🎤音樂夢吧! Sing & You 音樂學院由擁有教學40年經驗中國香港小巨肺 Celine Tam 歌唱導師兼爸爸Dr. Steve 🧑🏫創立,學院致力發掘👧兒童及青少年💁♂️的音樂潛能,培養🎭舞台上的自信,啟發他們對生命抱持正面樂觀的態度。如果你也希望自己或小朋友的音樂潛能被發掘,就絕不能錯過今次一展所長的難得機會!
截止上載作品日期:2025年3月30日 23:59 (HKT)⏰