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學習正確的唱歌技巧 Learning Proper Singing Technique

又來到Sing and You 唱歌教學!今次要講解的是正確的唱歌技巧。

技巧1:站直,放鬆頭部、胸口和關節,調整至最佳的姿勢。 一個挺立站姿是令你擁有美好唱歌聲線的關鍵。嘗試在鏡子前練習,然後從正面和側面觀察,確保能保持一個正確的姿勢。









想像你的腰上戴著皮帶。 當你吸氣時,它會滑下來讓更多的空氣進入。當你呼氣時,它會向上壓著你的腰部,令空氣從胸腔和嘴巴呼出。正常人呼吸,胸部會移動。但是歌手需要維持胸部平穩,保持呼吸鎮定。






除了以上所述,Sing and You還會教授其他唱歌技巧,有興趣了解詳情,請致電查詢:Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp).

Are you learning how to sing or sing better? These tips which help with your postures are beneficial to your singing.

Tip 1: Stand straight. Relax your head, chest and joints. Stand up right is the key to have achieve a good singing performance. Stand in front of mirror and practise. Remember watch out your posture from the front and side to make sure you’re doing right.

Remember: When you sing, put your shoulders back When you sing, raise your chin to the horizon When you sing, keep your chest out When you sing, inhale as much as possible When you sing, relax your joints

Tip 2:

While you’re singing, focus on how you inhale and exhale. Instead of coming out from the head or neck, you should feel like the air in your chest and your voice is from your chest. When it vibes, try to move it around until your voice come out and that’s the right way to sing.

Tip 3: Use your belly to breathe, feel the air inside. Then, inhale and exhale with stomach. Using belly could help steady your chest and breath.

Imagine you’re wearing belt. When you inhale, it would slide down to let more air come in. When you exhale, it would slide up and squeeze the air out from your chest. The normal move their chest while breathing. However, a singer needs to keep a solid chest and stable breathe.

Tip 4: Focus on streams of air. Normal breathing should be short but as a singer. You need to learn how to save it. To do so, try to inhale fastly, exhale slowly. While singing, imagine s long, deep streams of air coming out. It takes time but it’s the best way to train yourself.

Tip 5: Watch out every mistake your found and solve it as soon as possible. The sooner you so so, the better singer you are.

Tanking up: People always try to tank up as much as possible bit the professionals usually exhale slowly.

Pushing the air: you might want to exhale slowly instead of push it out.

Holding the air: a singer should breathe between the notes, exhale right before you sing.

Apart from the above skills, sing and you provide comprehensive tutorial. For further enquires, please contact Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp).


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