Steve 校長在美國的線上學生在過去兩年的線上學習唱歌更在美國歌唱比賽中得到冠軍

Steve 校長在美國的線上學生在過去兩年的線上學習唱歌更在美國歌唱比賽中得到冠軍 Sing & You, Steve 校長在美國的線上學生在過去兩年的線上學習唱歌,得到Celine爸爸,Steve 獨特方法指導在兩年間已為Chloe 做了十幾首歌曲,看到Chloe 唱每一首歌的進步,甚至在2022年在比賽中拿到不同獎項以及更在美國三藩市水立方歌唱比賽中得到冠軍,我們為Chloe得到這個殊榮非常開心,希望Chloe繼續勇往直前,繼續再接再厲在更多比賽過程中享受Steve 校長的課堂學習和舞台的寶貴經驗 Sing & You, Steve’s online student Chloe has been followed his vocal class since 2020 and we are so happy that Chloe not only got a Champion in one of the singing contest in Hong Kong, but also a Champion in United State’s singing contest. Steve has been using his special designed online vocal coaching and also helped Chloe make more than 12 cover songs on YouTube.
Chloe, Keep it up and enjoy Steve’s singing class and keep going to take more challenge in other singing contest. Steve’s said this is a Very Good experience to kids. Enjoy Watching and Support Chloe's other Music Videos with Like & Share, Thank you 喜歡, 支持 Chloe 的音樂視頻,點贊和分享,謝謝 Watch SAYMusic other music videos:
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