Slam the Scam Day 慎防長者詐騙 | 5大防騙貼士保護自己 Unstoppable | 歌唱學校學生 Shanice | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
Slam the Scam Day 猛烈抨擊詐騙日
慎防長者詐騙 | 5大防騙貼士保護自己
Beware of Elderly Scams | 5 Tips to Protect Yourself Against Scams
1. Educate the elderly to protect personal and financial information 教育長者保護個人及其財務資料
2. Beware of phone calls, letters, text messages, and emails from unknown sources 提防來歷不明的電話、信件、短訊、電子郵件
3. Stay alert and cautious at all times 時刻保持警覺和謹慎
4. Family members should pay more attention and care to their elders家人應多加留意及關心家中長者
5. Remember to close the line, verify, and ask for help謹記收線、核實、求助
Unstoppable | 歌唱學校學生 Shanice | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選
Pop Singing Class - Professional Vocal Course - The First Choice for Learning to Sing
WhatsApp us : +852-96048548
wechat: singandyoumusic
微信公眾號: 音樂實踐家