前後對比的唱歌影片有什麽重要性? Why Is Before and After Important?
Sing and You 聲樂老師經常爲學生拍攝前後對比的唱歌影片。學生在上聲樂課前會先拍攝一段唱歌的片段,接受導師的指導後,會再拍攝另一段的片段。除了能在影片中看見小朋友唱歌上的進步外,亦聲樂幫助老師不斷尋找讓小朋友突飛猛進的方法。
你喜歡唱歌嗎?只要找對了歌唱老師,學唱歌不是難事,你也可以成為好像小巨肺譚芷昀或Steve 一樣成功的表演者!如果你對唱歌有疑問,不如約一堂唱歌班,讓星級導師Steve 及其他聲樂導師幫你解決唱歌上的問題吧!歡迎來電查詢: Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)
At Sing and You our vocal coaches always take before and after video for our students. The video features a student singing before receiving a singing class; they then take an "after" video after receiving vocal coaching to show their improvements. This video is an immensely important resource since it helps our vocal coaches gauge and review the effectiveness of students' learning.
Do you love singing? Every kid can excel in singing like Steve's student Celine Tam provided the right vocal coaching by an excellent vocal coach. Come to Steve and his vocal coach team for a trial session! Call Sing and You +852 21461188 or Whatsapp us 96981248.