Do you want to go to the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens to watch Celine sing? 香港七人欖球賽看Celine唱歌嗎?
Do you want to go to the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens to watch Celine sing? 香港七人欖球賽看Celine唱歌嗎?
If over 1000 Likes & Shares and Comments from both Videos Below, Will try My Best to Do Face Time tonight
如果下面兩個影片的讚、分享和留言超過 1000,今晚我會盡力進行 Face Time
Stay Tune at 6:45pm for Further Notice Tonight HK Time. Celine will be Singing at last one tonight at 7pm
請繼續關注香港時間今晚 6:45 以獲取進一步通知。 Celine 將於今晚 7 點演唱最後一首歌曲
Guess Which Song Celine Tam Is Rehearsing At Hong Kong Rugby 7?
Celine Tam 於香港七人欖球賽彩排 |猜猜她唱的是哪首歌?
Celine Tam rehearses at the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens | Guess which song she sang?