適合小朋友的迪士尼歌曲 A Disney Song List for Kids
-“Under the Sea” (The Little Mermaid)
-“The Circle of Life” (The Lion King)
-“I Wanna Be like You” (The Jungle Book)
-“Let It Go” (Frozen)
-“Be Our Guest” (Beauty and the Beast)
-“La Vie en Rose” (Wall-E)
-“Reflection” (Mulan)
來 Sing and You學習更多不同的迪士尼歌曲吧!如果你的小朋友對唱歌有興趣,不如約一堂唱歌試堂,讓Steve及聲樂導師啟發他對唱歌的興趣!歡迎來電查詢: Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)
Disney movies are tremendously popular among Hong Kong kids. They just cannot stop singing them along with the songs! In fact Disney songs can be a good resource for kids to learn to sing:
-“Under the Sea” (The Little Mermaid)
-“The Circle of Life” (The Lion King)
-“I Wanna Be like You” (The Jungle Book)
-“Let It Go” (Frozen)
-“Be Our Guest” (Beauty and the Beast)
-“La Vie en Rose” (Wall-E)
-“Reflection” (Mulan)
Do you children love singing? Every kid can excel in singing like Steve's student Celine Tam provided the right vocal coaching by an excellent vocal coach. Come to Sing and You and learn disney songs with Dr Steve and his vocal coach team! Enquiry: Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)