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唱歌以外:趣談琵琶 Beyond Singing: Pipa


這是什麼樂器?它就是琵琶。它最早的出現是在秦朝。琵琶的名字是來自於「推手為批,引手為把」,故又稱之「批把」,其意思是指最基本的彈撥技巧。在這裡就告訴大家一個課外知識:D 有一個成語是「反彈琵琶」,來自於大唐時期一群舞伶在表演時舞出反手彈琵琶的舞技,被刻畫在敦煌壁上令人讚歎不已!


你孩子喜歡唱歌嗎?不如約一堂歌唱班,讓小朋友透過學習唱歌感受唱歌帶給他們身心靈的莫大好處!歡迎來電查詢: Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)

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We have been talking a lot about how to sing and how to sing better! What about if we learn something other than singing? These few blog articles will introduce you to a number of interesting Chinese instruments!

Wonder what this pear-shaped instrument is? It is pipa, one of the popular chinese instrument nowadays. The name of ‘Pipa’ came from the technique of plucking. In the past, people always played pipa in the occasion because playing pipa was considered elegant.

P.S. Many Hong Kong kids attend after school music activities. While learning to play the piano or other instruments certainly can bring many benefits to a kid, there is one unique benefit about singing - it is the only music music activity that helps a kid with diction! Moreover, singing is one of the most direct ways for kids to express their emotions and feelings since they are using their body to make music.

Does you children love singing? Come to us for a singing trial session and let our vocal coach bring you professional solutions in no time ! Call Sing and You +852 21461188 or Whatsapp us 96981248.


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