Sing! Kids
燦星製作繼《中國好聲音》、《中國新歌聲》等王牌節目之後,積極回應“少年強則中國強” 的號召,聯合新聞集團旗下的星空華文傳媒與國內具有影響力的大型 IP 項目運營公司盛娛星匯強強打造,一起尋找對音樂有夢想的孩子“唱響夢想,唱響祖國”,旨在打造權威性的少兒音樂真人秀節目——2019《小小好聲音》。
Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : / Whatsapp 9698-1248
After the ace of "Sing! China", Shanghai Canxing Cultural and Broadcast Company Ltd. responded to the call of " Well equipped youths lead to a powerful country.", and cooperated with STAR China Media. And to find a child who has dreams of music together, “sing a dream, sing China”, aims to create an authoritative children’s music reality show – 2019 “Sing! Kids”.
Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : / Whatsapp 9698-1248