How to maintain your vocal health? #1
How to maintain your vocal health? #1
Because your voice is a part of your body rather than an external instrument, it is vital that you keep yourself healthy in order to consistently sing at your best. If your voice is "broken" you unfortunately can't go out and purchase another! Here are some tips to maintain your vocal health !
Quit Smoking
Sorry smokers, I know you'll definitely be rolling your eyes at this one. As much as you'd like to believe this isn't the case, you are doing your vocal cords damage by smoking. Your breath capacity is significantly less than a non-smoker and sustaining notes is therefore much harder. You also tend to cough more often, putting unnecessary pressure on your cords and throat muscles, which could give impact will you sing.
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2. Warm up your voice before singing
It is very important for you get your vocal chords ready for singing by warming up your voice. Gently stretch your vocal cords before you start practising or performing with some light humming, lip rolls, simple scales and sirens. If you didn’t warm up your voice before singing, it could damage your vocal chords by stressing it too much.
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因為你的聲音是你身體的一部分而不是外部樂器,所以保持自己的健康是至關重要的,這樣才能保持最佳狀態。 如果你的聲音,你很遺憾不能出去購買另一個! 以下是保持聲音健康的一些提示!
吸煙者可能不會喜歡聽這個建議。 儘管你不想相信情況並非如此,但你正在通過吸煙來破壞聲帶。 您的呼吸容量明顯低於非吸煙者,因此維持記錄更加困難。 你也經常咳嗽,給你的繩索和喉嚨肌肉施加不必要的壓力,這會給你帶來影響。
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2. 在唱歌前熱身
通過歌唱熱身令你的聲帶準備好唱歌是非常重要的。 在開始練習之前輕輕拉伸您的聲帶,或者使用輕微的哼唱,唇卷,簡單的刻度和警報器進行表演。 如果你在唱歌之前沒有熱身,可能會因為用力過度而損害你的聲帶。
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