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聲樂小知識– 不同種類的音域 (第二部) Vocal Knowledge– The Different Singing Voice Types (II)

聲樂小知識– 不同種類的音域 (第二部)

我們之前介紹過4種基本的音域︰女高音(Soprano)、 女低音(Alto)、男高音(Tenor)及男低音(Bass),今日我們將會介紹另外一些不同的,甚至是你未曾聽過的音部給大家。

  1. 女中音(Mezzo-soprano,又稱次女高音):指音域由A3至A5的成年女歌唱家。女中音的音域界乎女高音及女低音之間,聲帶通常比女高音略長和寬,高音厚實、有力,中音特別豐滿圓潤。

  2. 男中音(Baritone):指音域由A至A1一共歌15度的成年男歌唱家,通常兼備有男高音和男低音的音質,既亮堂、柔潤,又莊重、沉著。

  3. 男童聲高音歌手(Boy soprano,或稱作Treble):指達到女高音的音域而未變聲的男童。

  4. 女高音聲部的高男高音歌手(Male soprano):用假聲和其它技巧來達到女高音音域的成年男歌唱家,因為很少有男歌手能達到高音的舨的音高,故很罕見。

  5. 閹伶(Castrato,又稱去閹人歌手,現已絕跡):是15世紀至18世紀期間,歐洲(尤其是意大利)的一種獨特和流行的歌手。他們都是一些在童年時接受過閹割手術的男性歌手,閹割手術的目的是為了保持童聲,使自己的嗓音永遠保持清冽。

快啲聯絡我地Sing and You 9698-1248 預約試堂,讓小朋友感受一下唱歌為佢地帶嚟既好處!

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Tel : 2146-1188 (灣仔校舍) / 3102-0603 (奧運校舍)

Whatsapp : 9698-1248

預約試堂 : 9698-1248

Vocal Knowledge– The Different Singing Voice Types (II)

Last time, We introduced four basic types of singing voice: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. Today we will introduce some different, even you have never heard before, singing voice types.

  1. Mezzo-soprano: refers to an adult female singer who can sing the range (pitch) from A3 to A5. Her range is between soprano and bass. Her vocal cords are usually slightly longer and wider than the soprano. Her high pitch is thick and powerful, and the middle pitch is particularly plump and round.

  2. Baritone: refers to an adult male vocalist who can sing the range (pitch) from A to A1 a total of 15 degrees male singer, usually both tenor and bass sound quality, both bright, soft, solemn, calm.

  3. Boy soprano (or called Treble): refer a little boy (before his puberty) who can sing the pitch like the soprano does.

  4. Male soprano: refers a male with the adult male vocalist who can sing like a soprano with falsetto and other skills, but there are few male singers can achieve such a pitch, so it is rare.

  5. Castrato (now extinct): were unique and popular singers of Europe (especially in Italy) in the 15th century to the 18th century. They were male singers who have been subjected to castration before their puberty , and the purpose of the castration is to keep the child's voice and keep his voice forever.

Contact us 9698-1248 for Trial Class , let kid feel what singing bring to them !!!

預約試堂 Book A Trial

Tel : 2146-1188 (WanChai Campus) / 3102-0603 (Olympian Campus)

Whatsapp : 9698-1248

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