Celine Tam 唱功受《我是歌手》評委山河教授肯定 // Prof Shan He affirms Celine's singing talent
Prof Shan He affirms Celine's singing talent
《我是歌手》評委山河教授肯定Celine Tam的唱功之餘,更對Dr Steve的悉心教育讚賞有加。Dr Steve 對音樂與音準拍子的執著、獨特的唱歌技巧、對歌曲深層的情感抒發,以及對Celine Tam 的耐心教育,是Celine Tam獲取成功的關鍵。
Celine Tam從3歲開始跟隨爸爸學唱歌,也是重要的親子活動之一。 這天,她站在汪东城、尚雯婕及Shila面前,以美麗而具爆發力的聲線唱出《You Raise Me Up》, 讓所有觀眾驚喜。主持人說:在中國從來沒見過像Celine Tam高人爸爸這樣的指揮風格。
想唔想成為下一個Celin Tam? 讓你的孩子在舞台上發亮吧!
Professor Shan He, an adjudicator at China's TV show "I Am A Singer", affirms Celine Tam's singing talent and praises her father Dr. Steve Tam, a vocal coach with more than 30 years of experiences, for his coaching.
Dr. Steve's devotion to excellence in pitch, tempo accuracy, singing techniques as well as song interpretation are key for Celine Tam's success. Celine Tam started to learn singing from her father since she was 3. Performing in front of renowned stars including 汪东城, 尚雯婕 and Shila, Celine Tam brought sensation and touched others’ heart with her beautiful and powerful voice singing "You Raise Me Up ".
The master of ceremony exclaimed that he had never seen a directing style like Dr Steve's in China.
Do you want to be the next Celine Tam? Come and join us, singing will change your life!