Parents’ Reminder 家長須知
1. 所有課程一經報名, 除課程取消外, 所有已繳學費一概不退還。
All paid course fees shall not be refunded unless a course is cancelled.
2. 如接到本中心課程取消通知, 學生可選擇轉讀其他課程或退款,但必須於收到通知後一星期內帶同此收據到本中心灣仔分校辦理手續。
Upon receiving a notice of course cancellation, students shall bring a original receipt to Sing and You Music Center (Wan Chai School) within one week after notice in order to apply for full refund or transfer of the paid course fees to another course.
3. 為免影響課堂進度,除特別通知外,本中心於公眾假期均會照常上課。
To ensure that students maintain a good learning progress, all courses shall proceed on public holidays unless otherwise announced.
4, 學生如要請假:
事假 - 必須於最少兩日前通知本校;
病假 - 必須上堂前兩小時通知本校, 並必須於一星期內提供有關醫生證明才方可安排補課。
Personal Leave - Students shall notify us at least two days before the class day in order for a make-up class to be arranged.
Sick Leave - Students shall notify us at least two hours before class and provide a doctor certificate within one week in order for a make-up class to be arranged.
5. 如請假符合以上條件,學生須自行致電本中心預約補堂,否則恕不受理。
Upon fulfilling the requirements stated in point 4, students shall call us to schedule for a make-up class. No make-up class could be arranged if the requirements in point 4 are not met.
6. 所有補堂必須於該期學費內完成,不接受任何形式或原因順延課堂。
Make-up classes must be completed within the paid period.
7. 補堂時間一經預約,無法更改。任何原因之補堂缺席均當放棄該堂學費論。
There is no cancellation or rescheduling for a make-up class once it is confirmed.
8. 學生必須依照上課時間準時出席,遲到者不予補時。Students are expected to show up for classes on time. There shall be no make-up time for lateness.
9. 本中心接納以 現金 / 易辦事 / 支票 / 銀行轉帳 方式繳交學費。
支票繳交 - 抬頭請寫「Sing and You Coaching Company Ltd」並於支票背後寫上學生姓名。
銀行轉帳 - 匯豐銀行: 652- 298126 - 001,並備註輸入學生姓名。
The center accepts cash / EPS / cheques / bank transfer for submission of course fees:
Cheque - Please make cheque payable to "Sing and You Coaching Company Ltd" and put the student's full name on the back of the cheque.
Bank Transfer - HSBC: 652- 298126 - 001(Please enter the student's full name under "Remarks")
10. 由於學位有限,請於學費完結前兩星期繳付下期學費,否則本中心將不保留學位。
Due to limited spots, students shall remember to renew a course with full payment two weeks before the last teaching day of a course.
11. 颱風訊號或暴雨警告安排:
- 三號颱風訊號, 黃色, 或紅色暴雨警告懸掛時,本中心會照常上課。
- 黑色暴雨警告、八號或更高颱風訊號懸掛時,本中心該日之所有課堂將會取消。
- 家長必須考慮當時的天氣情況, 自行決定是否回校上課。
- 以上情況下缺席或取消之課堂,將不獲補課、順延或退款。
Arrangements Under Typhoon / Rainstorm:
- All classes shall proceed under Amber Rainstorm or Red Rainstorm Warning Signal or Typhoon Warning Signal 3 or below.
- All classes shall be cancelled under Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal, or when Typhoon Warning Signal 8 or above is hoisted.
- Parents are reminded to consider the weather conditions when deciding whether their children shall attend classes.
- There shall be no make-up or refund for classes that are cancelled due to bad weather.
12. 本中心有權使用所有學生相片及影片作宣傳用途之用。一切修改及決定,以本中心決定為準,本中心保留修訂條款之權利而不作另行通知。
The center reserves the right to use students' photos and videos for publicity purposes. It also reserves all rights of policy changes and decision without further notification.
Students shall take good care of all facilities at our center. There shall be a penalty for damaging the center's properties.
14. 本中心保留一切最終決定權利。
The center reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.