Tips on Learning through Singing 從唱歌中學習的小貼士Singing is beneficial only if you learn it in a right way. Here are some tips for learning through singing. Pick a style or singer you...
Learn Language through Singing 從唱歌中學習語言It is of paramount importance to have real-life and in-context material while studying. Learning a language is no difference. Spoken...
Beginner‘s Guide for Singing Recording 入門技巧:如何錄製唱歌好聲音Vocals, that’s all we record, and all our audience listen. Therefore we should hold it in high regard and turn it into a masterpiece that...
10 Tips for Healthy Singing Voice Part 1 健康唱歌聲線的十個小貼士(上)All singers desire a healthy singing voice. What should we do in order to maintain a nice vocal? There are 10 tips for all of you and...
問:我經常在電視上聽到歌手唱出一些很厲害的轉音、即興的唱歌技巧,是怎樣做到的?Q: How do I learn to do those fancy runs, riffs and vocal tri答:一開始你可以模仿那些歌手,幫助你建立耳朵和聲樂上的靈敏度,但無論如何,你最後終需要建立起自己的唱歌風格。 在樂器彈奏時,假裝自己是薩克斯管,14然後唱出音來,犯錯也沒有問題,不要對自己過於嚴謹。以上的方法就能幫助你鍛練你即興的功力。但說容易,實際操作還是要有個專業聲樂老...