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cARD PLAYING as a game but not an addiction. HAVE FUN! 撲克牌是一種遊戲,不要上癮。玩得開心!
學唱歌 - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree by SAYMUSIC Ann - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve 學習唱歌 Parent...

Little FacT of Christmas: thin ribbon candy is a traditional Christmas sweet!聖誕小資訊:絲帶糖是傳統的聖誕糖果!
Little FacT of Christmas: thin ribbon candy is a traditional Christmas sweet!聖誕小資訊:絲帶糖是傳統的聖誕糖果! 12 Days of Christmas Covered by SAYMusic...

Sing for others! Share the joy at Christmas! 唱給別人聽!分享聖誕節的喜悅!
Sing for others! Share the joy at Christmas! 唱給別人聽!分享聖誕節的喜悅! 學唱歌 - You Raise Me Up by SAYMusic Kitty 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

問:我想可以唱歌唱得更高音和更大聲 應該怎樣做? Q: How can I learn to sing higher and louder?
答:聲帶是肌肉造成的, 就像身體其他肌肉一樣,可以透過唱歌練習加強。 聲帶越強大,聲音靈敏度、唱歌範圍和力量就越高,亦能幫你提升音質。秘訣是使用聲帶時,不要過於用力(亦要學習如何協調唱歌時的呼吸和聲音共鳴等等)。 找一首程度簡單的歌。注意:如果你在唱歌時總覺得緊張,不要加強...

唱歌比賽經驗談(二) Tips of Singing Contests (2)
在舉辦歌唱比賽時,最重要的還是喉嚨的狀況。在比賽一兩週前切記不能進食任何辣、油炸食品。盡量以清淡為主的食物並切記得要多喝水保持喉嚨滋潤。 大家若對歌曲有興趣,不妨查詢 或是致電Sing and You 唱歌學校 +852...
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