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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
May 28- Hamburger Day漢堡包日
今天是漢堡包日! 其實除了連鎖快餐店以外, 香港還有很多漢堡包店, 大家有時間的話可以去發掘一下啊! Today is Hamburger Day! In addition to chain fast food restaurants, there are many...
May 27-Don't Fry Day
夏天來了! 有不少人都會趁着夏天到處遊玩, 但在戶外活動時一定要好好保護自己的皮膚,不要暴曬啊! It's Summer! Many people will play around in summer, but we must protect our skin well...
May 26- Paper Airplane Day 紙飛機日
我猜應該沒有人未摺過紙飛機吧! I don't think anyone has ever folded a paper airplane! 世界之巔Top of the World“女兒和父親二重唱”ft. AGT Celine 和Steve聲樂教練...
May 25- Sing Out Day
無論你唱得好不好聽,五月二十五這一天是每個人都可以大聲唱歌,盡情釋放的日子! No matter you sing well or not, May 25th is a day when everyone can sing loudly and release to the...
May 24 - Brother’s Day兄弟日
你有哥哥或弟弟嗎? 五月二十四日是兄弟日,你打算和你的兄弟去哪裏玩? Do you have an older brother or younger brother? May 24th is Brother' s Day, where are you planning to...
May 23- Taffy Day拖肥糖日
喜歡吃拖肥糖嗎? 拖肥糖是用焦糖和牛油做的,甜甜的很好吃,但是糖份高的食物吃太多對身體不好! Do you like to eat toffee? Toffee is made of caramel and butter. It is sweet and...
May 22- Buy A Musical Instrument Day購買樂器日
據說最早的樂器是用於宗教儀式和狩獵的,以骨頭、貝殼和木頭製成,後來才被用作音樂用途。你有樂器想買嗎? The earliest musical instruments were used in religious ceremonies and hunting, and...
May 21- Memo Day備忘錄日
很多人會在備忘錄上寫下自己的目標,不知道你的備忘錄會不會有「唱歌進步」這個目標呢? Many people will write down their goals on the memo. Do you have the goal of "sing better" on...
May 20- Pick Strawberries Day 摘草莓日
吃水果對身體好,也能幫助我們保持聲帶健康,五月二十日是摘草莓日,跟家人朋友一起去摘草莓、郊遊吧! Eating fruit is good for our health and can also help us keep our vocal cords healthy....
May 19- Devil’s Food Cake Day魔鬼蛋糕日
魔鬼蛋糕是一種很受歡迎的甜品,特別是喜歡吃朱古力的人,但是吃太多甜食對唱歌不好,所以我們不能吃太多! Devil's food cake is a popular dessert, especially for chocolate lovers, but eating...
May 18- Visit Your Relatives Day探訪親友日
抽點時間去拜訪或打電話給一些很久沒有聯絡的親戚,唱一首他們喜歡的歌吧! Take some time to visit or call some relatives you haven't spoken to in a long time and sing a song...
May 17-Walnut Day核桃日
核桃是堅果的一種, 營養價值高 但吃太多會引致喉嚨腫脹和疼痛, 影響唱歌, 所以不能吃過量! Walnuts are a type of nuts with high nutritional value, but eating too much can cause...
May 16-Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day善待鄰居日
鄰居是家人以外住得最近我們的人, 為我們的鄰居做些好事吧! 如果有鄰居說過你唱歌時太大聲的話, 就來Sing and you唱歌吧 !不要在家大聲唱歌! Neighbors are the people who live closest to us apart from...
May 15- International Family Day 國際家庭日
今年的國際家庭日剛好是星期日, 你想好如何跟家人慶祝嗎? 唱歌也是不錯的禮物呢! This year's International Family Day is on Sunday, have you decided how to celebrate with your...
May 14- Train Day 火車日
每年最接近 5 月 10 日的星期六是火車日,所以今年的火車站是在 5 月 14 日。鐵路的出現真的為我們節省了不少時間,相信有不少同學都是坐火車和港鐵來Sing and you上課呢! Every year, the Saturday closest to May...
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