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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
May 22- Buy A Musical Instrument Day購買樂器日
據說最早的樂器是用於宗教儀式和狩獵的,以骨頭、貝殼和木頭製成,後來才被用作音樂用途。你有樂器想買嗎? The earliest musical instruments were used in religious ceremonies and hunting, and...
May 21- Memo Day備忘錄日
很多人會在備忘錄上寫下自己的目標,不知道你的備忘錄會不會有「唱歌進步」這個目標呢? Many people will write down their goals on the memo. Do you have the goal of "sing better" on...
Celine Tam gets her second GOLDEN BUZZER at World Got Talent Celine Tam在巅峰之夜獲得她的第二個 黃金按鈕#shorts
Celine Tam gets her second GOLDEN BUZZER at World Got Talent Celine Tam在巅峰之夜獲得她的第二個 黃金按鈕#shorts
May 20- Pick Strawberries Day 摘草莓日
吃水果對身體好,也能幫助我們保持聲帶健康,五月二十日是摘草莓日,跟家人朋友一起去摘草莓、郊遊吧! Eating fruit is good for our health and can also help us keep our vocal cords healthy....
May 19- Devil’s Food Cake Day魔鬼蛋糕日
魔鬼蛋糕是一種很受歡迎的甜品,特別是喜歡吃朱古力的人,但是吃太多甜食對唱歌不好,所以我們不能吃太多! Devil's food cake is a popular dessert, especially for chocolate lovers, but eating...
May 18- Visit Your Relatives Day探訪親友日
抽點時間去拜訪或打電話給一些很久沒有聯絡的親戚,唱一首他們喜歡的歌吧! Take some time to visit or call some relatives you haven't spoken to in a long time and sing a song...
May 17-Walnut Day核桃日
核桃是堅果的一種, 營養價值高 但吃太多會引致喉嚨腫脹和疼痛, 影響唱歌, 所以不能吃過量! Walnuts are a type of nuts with high nutritional value, but eating too much can cause...
May 16-Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day善待鄰居日
鄰居是家人以外住得最近我們的人, 為我們的鄰居做些好事吧! 如果有鄰居說過你唱歌時太大聲的話, 就來Sing and you唱歌吧 !不要在家大聲唱歌! Neighbors are the people who live closest to us apart from...
May 15- International Family Day 國際家庭日
今年的國際家庭日剛好是星期日, 你想好如何跟家人慶祝嗎? 唱歌也是不錯的禮物呢! This year's International Family Day is on Sunday, have you decided how to celebrate with your...
Jeffrey Li, Celine Tam - You Raise Me Up (Live on Little Big Shots)
Jeffrey Li, Celine Tam - You Raise Me Up (Live on Little Big Shots) You Raise Me Up by Celine Tam 譚芷昀 ft....
May 14- Train Day 火車日
每年最接近 5 月 10 日的星期六是火車日,所以今年的火車站是在 5 月 14 日。鐵路的出現真的為我們節省了不少時間,相信有不少同學都是坐火車和港鐵來Sing and you上課呢! Every year, the Saturday closest to May...
May 12- Nutty Fudge Day堅果軟糖日
雖然堅果軟糖很好吃,但是甜食對唱歌不太好,所以不要吃太多啊! Although Nutty Fudge is delicious, sweets are not good for singing, so don't eat too much! 甜蜜蜜 Covered by...
You Raise Me Up Funny Vocal Coaching by Celine Tam and Daddy Steve #vocalcoach #學唱歌
You Raise Me Up Funny Vocal Coaching by Celine Tam and Daddy Steve #vocalcoach #學唱歌 You will learn how...
May 11- Eat What You Want Day
既然努力了這麼久,今天就吃你想吃的食物,獎勵一下自己吧! As you have worked hard for so long, eat what you want today and reward yourself! Shakira Try Everything...
May 10-Clean Your Room Day清潔房間日
灰塵太多會影響聲帶,不利唱歌,所以我們要定期清潔房間! Too much dust will affect the vocal cords and is not good for singing, so we have to clean the room...
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