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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
October 6 - Inbox Zero Day 清空收件匣日
你清空收件匣了嗎? 趁着清空收件匣日,把所有郵件和訊息都看完吧! Have you emptied your inbox? Read all your emails and messages on Inbox Zero Day! How to Sing Heather...
October 5–Walk to School Day 步行上學日
你們來SAY上課的時候,是坐車還是步行呢? When you come to SAY for class, do you take a car or walk? 如何教孩子騎自行車
October 4–Kindness to Animal Day善待動物日
任何動物都是珍貴的生命,大家都要善待牠們! Any animal is a precious life, we must treat them well! For The First Time in Forever SAYMusic Kate ft. AGT...
October 3 - Child Health Day 兒童健康日
除了身體的健康以外,心理的健康也很重要,各位家長要給子女充足的休息時間,讓他們發展興趣啊! In addition to physical health, mental health is also very important. Parents should give...
為甚麼學生唱歌後一動不動?Why do this student STAY STILL after singing?
是因為他唱得投入嗎? Is it because he sings too intently? Parent Testimonials 家長心聲: Watch SAYMusic...
October 2 - Change A Light Day 換燈日
你喜歡收集不同設計的燈嗎? Do you like to collect lamps of different designs? Flashlight Live Singing by Celine Tam
你聽過《大魚》這首歌嗎? 這是一首很受歡迎的歌! 一起聽聽SAY學生的演繹吧! Have you heard the song "Big Fish"? It's a very popular song! Let's listen to SAY students'...
October 1 - International Music Day 國際音樂日
今天是國際音樂日,一起欣賞不同的音樂吧! Today is International Music Day, let's enjoy different music together! Waiting on a Miracle by Celine’s Sister Dion...
Celine tam登上香港小姐的舞台?! Celine tam performed on the stage of Miss Hong Kong?!
在香港小姐決賽中,Celine Tam與歷屆多名香港小姐一起站在台上時演唱了Beautiful這首歌! 你看過Celine的表演嗎? In Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2022, Celine Tam sang the song Beautiful...
September 30- International Podcast Day 國際播客日
你有聽Podcast嗎? 有些Podcast的內容很有教學意義,一起去發掘一些高質的Podcast吧! Have you listened to podcasts? Some podcasts are very educational, let's discover...
又一首日文歌cover! 《Gurenge 紅蓮華》
SAY 的學生Hillary 很喜歡唱日文歌! 聽完《Gurenge 紅蓮華》,記得要去聽其他Hillary cover的歌! 又一首日文歌cover! 《Gurenge 紅蓮華》
September 29 – Coffee Day咖啡日
咖啡是最受歡迎的飲品之一,有提神的作用,上課前喝一杯吧! Coffee is one of the most popular drinks, it has a refreshing effect, drink a cup before class! Maroon 5 -...
多才多藝的SAY學生 All-round Student in SAY
SAY學生之中,不少人都精通多於一項才藝! Many SAY students are proficient in more than one talent! 多才多藝的SAY學生 All-round Student in SAY...
September 28- Good Neighbor Day好鄰居日
為你的鄰居着想,不要在晚上大聲練歌啊! For the sake of your neighbors, don't practice singing out loud at night! 但願人長久 by SAYMusic Zuzanna NG ft. AGT...
還記得是誰教你騎自行車嗎?Remember who taught you to ride a bicycle?
雖然校長Steve日常工作很忙,但他一有時間就會陪伴家人! Although Principal Steve has a busy day job, he spends time with his family whenever he has time! 如何教孩子騎自行車...
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