用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Keep Fighting the Good Fight-Singing!繼續為好的戰鬥奮鬥-唱歌!
I Have a Great Singing Voice Because I Worked For It!我有一把動人的歌聲因為我有努力過!
Words make you think.Music makes you feel.A song makes you feel a thought.文字讓你思考,音樂讓你感受,一首歌讓你感受一個想法
Make Your Singing a Masterpiece, Let Nothing Stop You讓自己唱出傑作,不要讓任何事情阻止你
Pick a Fun and Professional Singing Teacher to Learn Effectively!選擇一個有趣且專業的歌唱老師來有效學習!
Age Is Not a Barrier for Singing!年齡不是唱歌的障礙!
Every Singer You Meet Has Something Special For You to Learn!您遇到的每位歌手都有一些特別的東西可供您學習!
團購大優惠!暑假唱歌課35%的折扣! 聲樂大師教練Steve Tam - AGTCeline Tam 爸爸
How to Develop Singing Interest? 怎樣培養唱歌興趣?
問:怎樣適當調整令自己達到良好的唱歌狀態呢?“I don’t know how to have a good singing condition.” Is that your problem?
10首唱歌比賽好歌 10 Songs for Singing Competitions
學習正確的唱歌技巧 Learning Proper Singing Technique
唱歌必做背部熱身 Sing better with back warm-up
唱歌必做腹部熱身 Sing better with Ab Warm-up
唱歌必做頸部熱身 Sing better with Neck Warm-up