用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Appreciate the Beautiful Animals By Watching, Not Killing and Wearing用眼睛欣賞動物,而不是殺死和穿著牠們
Contol the future? How much will you pay for a time machine? 誰不想掌控自己的未來? 你願意花多少錢買一台時間旅行機?
Dentist's Dismay! Remember to brush your teeth after eating sweets! 牙醫很沮喪!吃完甜食後記得刷牙!
Best memory of our childhood. Who is your favorite Disney character?我們童年最美好的回憶。你最喜歡哪個迪士尼角色?
fabulous!cheers for Christmas Dessert! 超級好味!為聖誕甜品歡呼!
Are You Nervous? Santa's Making His Nice and Naughty List Today!你緊張嗎? 聖誕老人今天列出他的乖乖名單!
Popcorn Is A Legend Food. It's Addicting to Eat and See Them Pop!爆米花是神級的食物!無論是吃還是看著它從玉米爆成爆米花都令人著迷!
one apple a day keeps the doctor away!一日一蘋果醫生遠離我!
Stay at Home and Fight against COVID-19!逆境會過,留在家中,遠離病菌!
Time for tea! TEAM french toast or Team hong kong toast? 下午茶時間!你喜歡法式西多士還是港式西多士?
Revive history! Honor the day of broadway production in 1937!復興歷史!紀念 1937 年百老匯演出的日子!
Share Your Story! Be a listener!分享你的故事!做一個聆聽者!
Respect women! recognize their hard work!尊重女性!認可她們在背後的默默耕耘
Morning Pick-me-up? grab a coffee! 早上醒醒神? 喝杯咖啡吧!
take a breath! Hop on your Bike! Enjoy the journey! 深呼吸!騎着你的單車!旅程愉快!