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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
July 13- Barbershop Music Appreciation Day理髮店音樂欣賞日
你知道理髮店音樂是甚麼嗎? 理髮店音樂是一種純語音、無伴奏合唱風格的音樂! Do you know what barbershop music is? Barbershop music is a voice-only, acappella style music!...
July 12- New Conversations Day新對話日
這個節日的成立是為了鼓勵人們互相交流,結交新朋友,而交流有很多不同的形式,你想試試以唱歌的方式與他人交流嗎? This festival was established to encourage people to communicate with each other...
July 11- Cheer Up the Lonely DaY鼓勵孤獨者日
多關心你認識的人,找他們出去玩、做運動、唱K吧! Be more concerned about the people you know and ask them to hang out, play sports, and sing karaoke! Who you...
July 9- Fashion Day時裝日
有些學生來Sing and you上唱歌課前會悉心打扮, 一起欣賞他們的造型吧! Some students dress up before coming to Sing and you for singing lessons, let's take a look!...
July 8- Be a Kid Again Day再次成為孩子日
如果你能夠再一次成為小孩, 你會做甚麼? 會努力上學學習知識, 還是學習唱歌等才藝? If you could be a child again, what would you do? Would you study hard to learn knowledge, or...
July 7- Father-Daughter Take a Walk Day父女散步日
你有多久沒有跟你的父親出外散步, 在父女散步日當日跟父親一起散步、聊天吧! 不如先看看校長Steve和女兒Celine和Dion郊遊的片段! How long has it been since you went out for a walk with your...
July 6- Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day帶您的網站管理員去午餐日
有「帶您的網站管理員去午餐日」, 不知道有沒有「帶您的唱歌導師去午餐日」呢? There is "take your webmaster to lunch day", what about "Take your vocal coach to lunch day"?...
July 5- Workaholics Day工作狂日
你是一個工作狂嗎? 今天是工作狂日, 目的是提醒我們要在工作和生活之間保持平衡。下班後回家看看電視, 聽聽音樂, 休息一下吧! Are you a workaholic? Today is Workaholic Day and its purpose is to...
July 4- Alice in Wonderland Day愛麗絲夢遊仙境日
今天是愛麗絲夢遊仙境日! 各位小朋友知道這個故事嗎? Today is Alice in Wonderland Day! Do you know this story? Creep SAYMusic Vicky ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal...
July 3- Stay Out of the Sun Day遠離太陽日
今天是遠離太陽日! 既然不出外遊玩, 不如來Sing and you找校長Steve上課學唱歌吧! Today is Stay Out of the Sun Day! If you are not going out to play, why don't you come...
July 1- International Reggae Day國際雷鬼日
雷鬼是一種在1960年代起源於牙買加的音樂, 你喜歡這種風格的音樂嗎? Reggae is a type of music that originated in Jamaica in the 1960s, do you like this style of music?...
July 2- I Forgot Day 「我忘記」日
今天是 「我忘記」日! 可是, 如果你約了校長Steve上課, 千其不要忘記啊! Today is "I Forgot" Day! But if you have an appointment with Principal Steve, don't forget to...
June 30- Social Media Day社交媒體日
來到六月的最後一日了! 今天是社交媒體日, 你追蹤了Sing and you各個社交媒體了嗎? 如果未追蹤的話, 快點去追蹤吧! It's the last day of June! Today is Social Media Day, have you followed...
June 29- Hug Holiday擁抱日
今天是擁抱日! 唱一首歌送給親友, 並給他們一個擁抱吧! Today is Hug Holiday! Sing a song to friends and family and give them a hug! Celine Tam is a good sister and...
June 28-Tapioca Day 木薯日
今天是木薯日, 喜歡吃澱粉類食品的人一定要試試啊! 猜猜校長Steve一家人喜不喜歡木薯吧! Today is Tapioca day, people who like to eat starchy foods must try it! Let's guess if...
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