用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Go Fly a Kite Day 去放風箏日 Daughter and Father Duet A Whole New World女兒與爸爸一起唱歌一個全新的世界
你比較喜歡哪個版本的《 深夜港灣 》?黃劍文 VS 關淑怡 | 在評論中投票!|Which version of "深夜港灣 Midnight Harbor" do you prefer? 黃劍文 VS 關淑怡 | Vote in the comments! |
Do You Want To Build A Snowman | Music Video | SAYMusic Sonia |
Stunning Cover Of 'you Raise Me Up' By Dion Tam深情演繹《你鼓舞了我 You Raise Me Up》
AGT Celine’s Daddy Steve Tam Learn to Sing on Stage跟Steve在舞台上學唱歌 - April 28 Dragon Center
International Microvolunteering Day 國際微型志工服務日Singing Makes You and Others Happy唱歌使你和很多人快樂
Girl, Me Too Day 女孩,我也是日 Fight Song by SAYMusic Chloe & Harvey | 唱歌學校 | 唱歌比赛 | 声乐老师 | 線上學唱歌 | Vocal Coach |
Celine Tam Covers Neil Diamond's "sweet Caroline" Live With 40,000 Rugby Fans - Lyrics Included!Celine Tam 與 40,000 名橄欖球迷一起翻唱 Neil Diamond 的“sweet Caroline” - 附歌詞!
World Health Day 世界衛生日 April 7Begin taking steps to improve your health開始採取措施改善您的健康
Celine Tam Brings Down The House With Stunning Performance At Hong Kong Sevens Grand Finale!
Do you want to go to the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens to watch Celine sing? 香港七人欖球賽看Celine唱歌嗎?
Vitamin C Day 維生素 C 日 Dr. Steve Sharing: Just Like Singing, If You Sing Everyday with Your Diaphragm, the More Healthy You Are音樂學校校長分享:就像唱歌一樣,如果你每天用橫膈膜唱歌,你就越健康
Independent Artist Day 獨立藝術家日 Daughter and Father Duet The Power Of Love ft. Celine Tam 譚芷昀父女合唱《愛的力量》 ft. Celine Tam 譚芷昀
Today is Children’s Picture Book Day 今天是兒童繪本日 April 2最好保留童年記憶並培養孩子的創造力,不僅要畫畫,還要唱歌。是時候為您的孩子製作一段精彩的音樂視頻了 - 我們有超過 1000 個兒童音樂視頻,快來看看吧😀
你比較喜歡哪個版本的《 記憶棉 》?譚輝智 VS 張天賦 | 在評論中投票!|