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Share the Song that GIves You a Warm Hug to Others and Sing with Them和其他人分享那些給你溫暖擁抱的歌曲並與他們一起唱
Share the Song that GIves You a Warm Hug to Others and Sing with Them和其他人分享那些給你溫暖擁抱的歌曲並與他們一起唱 學唱歌 - 我是一隻小小烏 by SAYMusic Annie 跟AGT...

Paperback Books Wrap the Story Nicely Just Like Professional Singers Singing平裝書很好地包裹了故事,就像專業歌手唱歌一樣
Paperback Books Wrap the Story Nicely Just Like Professional Singers Singing平裝書很好地包裹了故事,就像專業歌手唱歌一樣 學唱歌 - Japanese Show Yourself by...

Lipsticks Light Up Your Appearance,Singing Enhances You As A Whole口紅點亮你的容顏,唱歌讓你整體提升
Lipsticks Light Up Your Appearance,Singing Enhances You As A Whole口紅點亮你的容顏,唱歌讓你整體提升 白月光與硃砂痣Covered by SAYMusic Sherry...

Parent's Testimonial:Kaitlyn from Australia家長心聲:澳洲的Kaitlyn
Parent's Testimonial:Kaitlyn from Australia家長心聲:澳洲的Kaitlyn Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn's mom are really pleased with and grateful for Principal...

Annie獲邀於中國大劇院及全國性節目演唱Annie Was Invited to Perform Singing in China Grand Theatre and ON National TV
Annie跟了校長學唱歌幾年的Annie 近日有幸獲邀到北京表演,在中國大劇院大舞台上領唱<中國紅船>。Annie表演從容,維持平時的水準,同時享受舞台。演唱後掌聲如雷,隨即獲海南衛視邀請參與本年中秋特別節目<爭奇鬥絕全國少數民族文藝匯演>並演唱同樣是校長親自教授的神曲<Y...

Moana How Far I Go Covered by SAYMusic Hillary
Moana How Far I Go Covered by SAYMusic Hillary Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:

Forever Young by SAYMUSIC Selina
學唱歌 - Forever Young by SAYMUSIC Selina- 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning Singing學習唱歌 Parent...

我是一隻小小烏 by SAYMusic Annie
學唱歌 - 我是一隻小小烏 by SAYMusic Annie 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning Singing 學習唱歌\ Parent Testimonials...
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