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look for your family history! take some photos as hints for the next generation~了解您的家族史!照片是給下一代的提示!
Fight Song COVERED by Celine Tam Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:

Merry XMas Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas聖誕快樂 - 學唱歌
Merry XMas Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas聖誕快樂 - 學唱歌 Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...

Jingle Bells + 鈴儿响叮当 Special Mix COVERED by SAYMusic Annie - 跟Vocal Coach Steve Learn Singing
Jingle Bells + 鈴儿响叮当 Special Mix COVERED by SAYMusic Annie - 跟Vocal Coach Steve Learn Singing

Will you join If there is A date nut bread eating championship in new york? 如果紐約有吃棗仁麵包的比賽,你會參加嗎?
My Own Drum Singing by Dion Tam (AGT Celine Tam's Cute Little Sister) Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...

Merry XMas - Jingle Bell COVERED by SAYMusic Harvey&Chloe -聖誕快樂 - 學唱歌
Merry XMas - Jingle Bell COVERED by SAYMusic Harvey&Chloe -聖誕快樂 - 學唱歌

Little FacT of Christmas: thin ribbon candy is a traditional Christmas sweet!聖誕小資訊:絲帶糖是傳統的聖誕糖果!
Little FacT of Christmas: thin ribbon candy is a traditional Christmas sweet!聖誕小資訊:絲帶糖是傳統的聖誕糖果! 12 Days of Christmas Covered by SAYMusic...

Sing for others! Share the joy at Christmas! 唱給別人聽!分享聖誕節的喜悅!
Sing for others! Share the joy at Christmas! 唱給別人聽!分享聖誕節的喜悅! 學唱歌 - You Raise Me Up by SAYMusic Kitty 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

Christmas recommendation: Cranberry Oatmeal Muffins! Stay Healthy Stay fit!聖誕推薦:蔓越莓燕麥馬芬蛋糕!保持健康保持身材!
學唱歌 - Grown Up Christmas List by SAYMusic Kaitlyn -跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learn Singing學習唱歌 Parent...

Rudolph the Red Nose COVERED by SAYMusic Japan Keyola - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌
Rudolph the Red Nose COVERED by SAYMusic Japan Keyola - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 Book an Online...

Do you like peanuts? it is the most popular Christmas cookie! 你喜歡花生嗎?因為它是最受歡迎的聖誕曲奇!
下雨歌 by SAYMusic Phaethon ft. - AGT Celine's Father Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...

who started the ugly sweater Christmas culture? is that your family tradition?誰開創了聖誕醜毛衣?那是你的家族傳統嗎?
Who started the ugly sweater Christmas culture? is that your family tradition?誰開創了聖誕醜毛衣?那是你的家族傳統嗎? 克里斯·博伊德和喬丹·伯奇在溫哥華市掀起了“醜陋的聖誕毛衣”的風潮!...

Contol the future? How much will you pay for a time machine? 誰不想掌控自己的未來? 你願意花多少錢買一台時間旅行機?
Contol the future? How much will you pay for a time machine? 誰不想掌控自己的未來? 你願意花多少錢買一台時間旅行機? All is Found (Japanese Version) by SAYMusic...

Dentist's Dismay! Remember to brush your teeth after eating sweets! 牙醫很沮喪!吃完甜食後記得刷牙!
Dentist's Dismay! Remember to brush your teeth after eating sweets! 牙醫很沮喪!吃完甜食後記得刷牙! A Million Dream Covered by SAYMusic Sophia:...

Best memory of our childhood. Who is your favorite Disney character?我們童年最美好的回憶。你最喜歡哪個迪士尼角色?
Best memory of our childhood. Who is your favorite Disney character?我們童年最美好的回憶。你最喜歡哪個迪士尼角色? Brave - Touch the Sky Covered by SAYMusic...

fabulous!cheers for Christmas Dessert! 超級好味!為聖誕甜品歡呼!
Country Road - Roblox Games ft.. AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve: Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...
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