用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Subject: In-Person Info Session: Unlock the Ivy League with Your Voice
She Learned How to Sing in 30 Days?30天學識唱歌?30天学会唱歌?
少女動聽情感翻唱歌曲 Million Reasons| Learntosing | onlinesinginglesson | celinetam | Vocal Coach
Bad Habits | 歌唱學校學生 Philippe | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
Daughter and Father Duet To Love You More
Fight Song | 香港唱歌學校 Kate 冠軍歌 | 小朋友學唱歌 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
Father and Daughter Sing a Heartwarming Duet of A Million Dreams!父女温情合唱A Million Dreams!
Could Have Been Me | Japanses Student Keyola | Online Singing Lesson | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
真的愛你 Really Love You | Celine Tam | 譚芷昀 | 中國新聲代 | 唱歌比賽 |
我和我的祖國 | 歌唱學校學生 Amelia | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
猜猜我和Celine Tam 和我參加宴會唱什麼歌?,在下面評論Guess The Song Celine Tam and I Sings? Comment Down Below
Proud of Jeryl’s Championship at 舞台2023 The Next. Look forward to teaching Jeryl in vocal lesson
Guess The Song Celine Tam Sings? 猜猜譚芷昀今次唱什麼歌?
圈出 Celine 在哪裡?Celine爸爸?禪師一起唱歌?Circle it out Where is Celine? Daddy too? Singing with Zen Masters?
Free to Join 免費報名-想了解更多關於海外升學的資訊但無從入手?