小小年紀就唱得很有感情!《大魚》cover你聽過《大魚》這首歌嗎? 這是一首很受歡迎的歌! 一起聽聽SAY學生的演繹吧! Have you heard the song "Big Fish"? It's a very popular song! Let's listen to SAY students'...
October 1 - International Music Day 國際音樂日今天是國際音樂日,一起欣賞不同的音樂吧! Today is International Music Day, let's enjoy different music together! Waiting on a Miracle by Celine’s Sister Dion...
Celine tam登上香港小姐的舞台?! Celine tam performed on the stage of Miss Hong Kong?!在香港小姐決賽中,Celine Tam與歷屆多名香港小姐一起站在台上時演唱了Beautiful這首歌! 你看過Celine的表演嗎? In Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2022, Celine Tam sang the song Beautiful...