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You Raise Me Up 國慶 by Celine Tam 譚芷昀 |我的祖國 |真的愛你 Really Love You
You Raise Me Up 國慶 by Celine Tam 譚芷昀 |我的祖國 |真的愛你 Really Love You Book Steve Tam Online Class...

October 26- Lung Health Day肺部健康日
肺部的健康對我們唱歌非常重要,要好好注意啊! The health of the lungs is very important for us to sing, so pay attention! 聽我說謝謝你 SAYMusic Kate ft. AGT Celine's...

How to Sing You Raise Me Up 50% Improvement? ft. AGT Celine's Father Vocal Coach Steve #學唱歌
How to Sing You Raise Me Up 50% Improvement? ft. AGT Celine's Father Vocal Coach Steve #學唱歌 Book Steve Tam...

October 25- International Artist Day國際藝術家日
今天是國際藝術家日,給藝術家們更多支持吧! Today is International Artists Day, give more support to artists! 對不起粉絲 - 完成投票的另外 8 個步驟(感謝您再次這樣做和您的支持)...

酒醉的蝴蝶 by SAYMusic Zuzanna NG ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌
酒醉的蝴蝶 by SAYMusic Zuzanna NG ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 Youtube: Weibo:...

聽我說謝謝你 SAYMusic Kate ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌
聽我說謝謝你 SAYMusic Kate Youtube: Weibo: Enjoy Watching and Supporting...

October 23- iPod Day
你有用過iPod 聽歌嗎? Have you ever used an iPod to listen to music? 生日歌唱給誰聽?Who does this little girl sing the birthday song to?...

October 22–Color Day 色彩日
你知道Sing and you的Logo有多少種顏色嗎? Do you know how many colors Sing and you's logo has? Celine: I want to be an artist! Footage of little...

October 21- Everyone Writes Day全民寫作日
不如每次上完堂都拿筆寫低那天學到了甚麼、有甚麼心情和想法吧! Why not write down what you learned that day, your mood and thoughts every time you finish class! 喜歡你...

October 20- Youth Confidence Day青年信心日
來sing and you發揮你的才能,建立信心! Come to sing and you, unleash your talent and build your confidence! Cute Little Girl Sing and Play Violin same...

October 19- NEW FRIENDS DAY新朋友日
快點來參加唱歌班,認識新朋友吧! Come and join the singing class and meet new friends! Ep1 Funny Vocal Coaching - Teaching Cute Little Girl Singing with...

October 18 –Chocolate Cupcake Day朱古力紙杯蛋糕日
猜猜Celine和Dion喜不喜歡吃朱古力紙杯蛋糕吧! Guess if Celine and Dion like chocolate cupcakes! Beautiful Christina Aguilera ft. Celine Tam Lyric Live...

October 17–Pasta Day意粉日
你喜歡吃意粉嗎? 現在有不少很有特色的意粉,上課後一起吃試試吧! Do you like to eat pasta? Now there are quite a few very special pasta, try it together after class!...

October 16 – Toy Camera Day 玩具相機日
現在有些玩具相機不只是玩具,更是有照相功能的! 你有用過玩具相機拍照? Now some toy cameras are not just toys, but also have camera functions! Have you ever used a toy...

October 15–Costume Swap Day服裝交換日
學生Hillary每次拍MV的時候都會精心打扮,例如鬼滅の刃的禰豆子! Student Hillary dresses up every time she shoots a MV, such as Nezuko of Demon Slayer! Gurenge 紅蓮華 by...
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