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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
August 15- Chant at the Moon Day向月亮吟唱日
今天是向月亮吟唱日,在月光下唱首歌給你的家人朋友聽吧! Today is Chant to the Moon Day, let's sing a song to your family and friends in the moonlight! 月亮代表我的心 Moon...
唱歌有什麼好處? ⭐ 答案是:C. 以上皆是 ⭐ 如果這是成功的話,請為這篇文章和讚好這篇文章,謝謝❤️ - 如果你或者其他的讀者想分享唱歌的知識與唱歌技巧,歡迎把此文章分享出去,幫助更多的人。唱歌其實還有很多地方需要注意,Sing and You 可以幫到你。 - 💡...
August 14- Love Your Bookshop Day愛你的書店日
你有特別喜歡的書店嗎? 那你有特別喜歡的唱歌學校嗎? 會是sing and you嗎? Do you have a favorite bookstore? Then do you have a favorite singing school? Will it be sing...
How to Win in the Singing Contest? 如何在歌唱比賽中獲勝?
How to Win in the Singing Contest? 如何在歌唱比賽中獲勝? Book Steve Tam Online Class
August 13- Bowling Day 保齡球日
今天是保齡球日,不知道校長Stcve一家人會不會去打保齡球呢! Today is bowling day. I wonder if principal Stcve's family will go bowling! You Raise Me Up Funny Vocal...
August 12- Vinyl Record Day黑膠唱片日
你有收藏黑膠唱片的興趣嗎? 黑膠唱片從盛行的30年代至今日仍然深受歡迎, 歷史和文化價值非常大呢! Are you interested in collecting vinyl records? Vinyl records are still popular from...
August 11- Son and Daughter Day子女日
今天是子女日, 各位父母帶子女去不同地方玩吧! Celine和Dion也很喜歡跟父母到處遊玩呢! Today is Son and Daughter Day. Parents, take your children to different places to play!...
August 10- Vlogging Day
拍vlog可以把珍貴的時刻紀錄下來, 一起看看Celine Tam和家人旅遊的片段吧! Vlogging can record precious moments, let's watch the clips of Celine Tam and her family...
August 9- Hold Hands Day牽手日
今天是牽手日! 牽起家人朋友的手, 在他們遇到困難的時候給他們一些鼓勵吧! Today is Hold Hands Day! Hold hands with family and friends, and give them some encouragement when...
August 8-Happiness Happens Day幸福發生日
今天是幸福發生日! 唱一首歌送給親友, 並給他們一個擁抱吧! Today is Happiness Happens Day! Sing a song to friends and family and give them a hug! Parent Testimonials...
怎樣的練習時間更能學好唱歌? ⭐ 答案是:A. 每天適當地練習 ⭐ 如果這是成功的話,請為這篇文章和讚好這篇文章,謝謝❤️ - 如果你或者其他的讀者想分享唱歌的知識與唱歌技巧,歡迎把此文章分享出去,幫助更多的人。唱歌其實還有很多地方需要注意,Sing and You...
August 7- Sisters Day姊妹日
你有姐姐或妹妹嗎?八月七日是姊妹日,你打算和你的姊妹去哪裏玩? Do you have an older sister or younger sister? May 24th is Sister' s Day, where are you planning to go...
August 6- Cycle to Work Day 踏單車上班日
你懂得踏單車嗎? 踏單車和唱歌一樣都是需要練習的! Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Riding a bicycle requires practice just like singing! Shakira Try Everything...
August 5- Water Balloon Da水氣球日
夏天最適合玩水啦! 你準備好跟朋友一起去海灘互丟水氣球嗎? Summer is the best time to play in the water! Are you ready to go to the beach with your friends and throw...
Steve 校長在美國的線上學生在過去兩年的線上學習唱歌更在美國歌唱比賽中得到冠軍
Steve 校長在美國的線上學生在過去兩年的線上學習唱歌更在美國歌唱比賽中得到冠軍 Sing & You, Steve 校長在美國的線上學生在過去兩年的線上學習唱歌,得到Celine爸爸,Steve 獨特方法指導在兩年間已為Chloe 做了十幾首歌曲,看到Chloe...
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