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July 31- Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day 關注罕見樂器日
你認識幾多種樂器? 其實世界上還有很多種好樂器是我們不知道的, 給它們多點關注吧! How many kinds of musical instruments do you know? In fact, there are many kinds of good...

July 30-International Day of Friendship國際友情日
今天是國際友情日, 約你的朋友一起上唱歌課、聽音樂會吧! Today is International Day of Friendship, invite your friends to singing lessons and concerts!...

July 29- Talk in an Elevator Day在升降機裏談話日
如果你曾經在Sing and You的灣仔學校上課,應該知道我們一踏出升降機就到學校了,是不是很方便呢! If you have ever attended classes at Sing and You's Wan Chai School, you should know...

July 28- Chilli Dog Day辣醬熱狗日
今天是辣醬熱狗日,但吃辣對聲帶不好,不要吃太多啊! Today is Chilli Dog Day, but spicy food is not good for the vocal cords, so don't eat too much! Celine &...

July 27- Bagpipe Appreciation Day風笛欣賞日
風笛是一種蘇格蘭傳統樂器,已有數千年前歷史,一起欣賞以風笛演奏的音樂吧! The bagpipe is a traditional Scottish musical instrument that has been around for thousands of...

July 26- All or Nothing Day全有或全無日
這個節日的成立是為了鼓勵人們為每一項任務或夢想全力以赴,從今天開始挑戰那些你想做但不敢做的事件! 如果你想跟Celine Tam一樣唱好歌就來Sing and You吧! This festival was created to encourage people to...

July 25- Merry Go Round Day旋轉木馬日
今天是旋轉木馬日! 除了到主題樂園玩旋轉木馬之外,也可以買一個旋轉木馬音樂盒裝飾房間,或者聽有關以旋轉木馬為主題的歌曲 ! Today is Merry Go Round Day! In addition to going to the theme park to...

July 24- Parents’ Day父母日
今天是父母日! 唱首歌逗父母開心吧! Today is Parents Day! Sing a song to make your parents happy! Celine唱歌時 台下的家人在做甚麼呢? What are Celine Tam's family...

July 23- Hot Enough For Ya Day夠熱的一天
夏天最適合去海邊玩啦!如果怕熱的話,去Sing and you跟Dr Steve嘆着冷氣上課吧! Summer is the best time to go to the beach! If you don't like hot weather, go to Sing...

July 22- World Brain Day世界大腦日
今天是世界大腦日! 來Sing and you開發你的歌唱潛能吧! Today is World Brain Day! Come to Sing and you to develop your singing potential! Celine...

July 21- Craft for your Local Shelters Day慈善手工日
你有做義工或定期捐款的習慣嗎? 今天是慈善手工日,一起製作精美的手工,關懷那些有需要的人吧! Do you have the habit of volunteering or donating regularly? Today is Craft for your Local...

July 20- Fortune Cookie Day幸運曲奇日
今天是幸運曲奇日! 把你想說的話寫在字條上,放入曲奇裏送給你愛的人吧! Today is Fortune Cookie Day! Write what you want to say on a note and put it in a cookie for your...

July 19- Words with Friends Day
Words with Friends是一款文字遊戲,一邊跟朋友玩一邊學習單詞吧! Words with Friends is a word game, learn words while playing with our friends! Dion Tam特別的魔術技巧?!...

July 18- Perfect Family Day 完美家庭日
Celine Tam的爸爸媽媽都非常支持女兒,一起看看他們在台下看女兒表演的片段吧! Celine Tam's parents are very supportive of their daughters, let's take a look at the clips of...

July 17- World Emoji Day世界表情符號日
你知道嗎? Dion唱歌時表情多多可能是跟姐姐Celine Tam學的! 一起來看看吧! Do you know? Dion's expression is learned from sister Celine! Let's take a look! 謎底解開!...
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