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May 31- Smile Day 微笑日
今天是微笑日! 無論你有甚麼煩惱, 聽歌吧, 音樂能使你快樂! Today is Smile Day! No matter what troubles you have, listen to music, music can make you happy! Have you...

May 30- Creativity Day 創意日
音樂是一門需要創意的藝術, 大家也要多發揮創意! Music is an art that requires creativity. Be more creative everyone! Fight Song | Dion Tam AGT Celine's Daddy...

May 29 - Paperclip Day萬字夾日
今天是萬字夾日! 你有用過萬字夾嗎? 我們可以用萬字夾好好整理功課和樂譜! Today is Paperclip Day! Have you ever used a Paperclip? We can organize our homework and sheet...

May 28- Hamburger Day漢堡包日
今天是漢堡包日! 其實除了連鎖快餐店以外, 香港還有很多漢堡包店, 大家有時間的話可以去發掘一下啊! Today is Hamburger Day! In addition to chain fast food restaurants, there are many...

Waiting on a Miracle等待奇蹟 from Encanto lyrics Cover by Dion Tam#學唱歌
Stephanie Beatriz - Waiting on a Miracle from Encanto lyrics Cover by Dion Tam Please Subscribe and Help...

May 27-Don't Fry Day
夏天來了! 有不少人都會趁着夏天到處遊玩, 但在戶外活動時一定要好好保護自己的皮膚,不要暴曬啊! It's Summer! Many people will play around in summer, but we must protect our skin well...

可愛的Dion玩肥皂泡,而Celine Tam 譚芷昀正在進行音樂視頻拍攝
Cute Little Dion Playing Bubbies and Celine Tam was doing cover song Music Video 可愛的Dion玩肥皂泡,而Celine Tam 譚芷昀正在進行音樂視頻拍攝...

May 26- Paper Airplane Day 紙飛機日
我猜應該沒有人未摺過紙飛機吧! I don't think anyone has ever folded a paper airplane! 世界之巔Top of the World“女兒和父親二重唱”ft. AGT Celine 和Steve聲樂教練...

May 25- Sing Out Day
無論你唱得好不好聽,五月二十五這一天是每個人都可以大聲唱歌,盡情釋放的日子! No matter you sing well or not, May 25th is a day when everyone can sing loudly and release to the...

May 24 - Brother’s Day兄弟日
你有哥哥或弟弟嗎? 五月二十四日是兄弟日,你打算和你的兄弟去哪裏玩? Do you have an older brother or younger brother? May 24th is Brother' s Day, where are you planning to...

Celine Tam is a good sister and leader to remind sister Dion Tam to sing #cutelittlegirl #shorts
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May 23- Taffy Day拖肥糖日
喜歡吃拖肥糖嗎? 拖肥糖是用焦糖和牛油做的,甜甜的很好吃,但是糖份高的食物吃太多對身體不好! Do you like to eat toffee? Toffee is made of caramel and butter. It is sweet and...

May 22- Buy A Musical Instrument Day購買樂器日
據說最早的樂器是用於宗教儀式和狩獵的,以骨頭、貝殼和木頭製成,後來才被用作音樂用途。你有樂器想買嗎? The earliest musical instruments were used in religious ceremonies and hunting, and...

May 21- Memo Day備忘錄日
很多人會在備忘錄上寫下自己的目標,不知道你的備忘錄會不會有「唱歌進步」這個目標呢? Many people will write down their goals on the memo. Do you have the goal of "sing better" on...

Celine Tam gets her second GOLDEN BUZZER at World Got Talent Celine Tam在巅峰之夜獲得她的第二個 黃金按鈕#shorts
Celine Tam gets her second GOLDEN BUZZER at World Got Talent Celine Tam在巅峰之夜獲得她的第二個 黃金按鈕#shorts
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