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April 30- International Jazz Day國際爵士日
為了提高人們對爵士樂的認識,聯合國將4月30日定為國際爵士日,每年都會在這一天舉辦不同的活動慶祝,例如全球全明星音樂會! To raise awareness about jazz, UNESCO has designated April 30 as...

April 29- International Dance Day國際舞蹈日
舞蹈與歌唱息息相關,讓我們唱著歌、隨音樂起舞吧! Dancing and singing are closely related, let's sing and dance to the music today! Shake It Off SAYMusic Alexa MV...

April 28- Superhero Day超級英雄日
超級英雄深得大人、小朋友喜愛,一起聽聽SAY學生如何透過歌曲表達對超級英雄的喜愛吧! Superheroes are loved by adults and children. Let's listen to how SAY student express his love...

April 27 - Tell A Story Day說故事日
每年的4月27日是說故事日,說故事不一定要用文字,今天一起以歌聲說故事吧! Every April 27th is Tell A Story Day! Telling a story doesn’t have to be in words, let’s tell a...

Music Video Course - The Studio Experience (4 hours)個人音樂視頻課程 (4小時)#暑期班
Music Video Course - The Studio Experience (4 hours) 個人音樂視頻課程 (4小時) 課程內容 挑選任何你個人最喜歡的歌曲,4小時內學習及灌錄一首樂曲,在過程中提升歌...

我是歌手班 ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve #學唱歌 #唱歌比賽
I am Singer Class 我是歌手班 ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve #學唱歌 #唱歌比賽 每課均教唱導師精選之中文流行歌曲,英文歌或任何你個人最喜歡的歌曲,即時講解感情、台風處理及聲音控制等演繹方法。...

April 24- National Skipping Day 全國跳繩日
多做運動可以增加肺活量, 對我們唱歌很有幫助呢! Doing exercise can increase lung capacity, which is very helpful for us to sing! Spider-Man Covered by SAYMUSIC...

April 23- Take a Chance Day 抓住機會日
今天是抓住機會日, 代表人物包括人類史上第一個到太空探索的前蘇聯太空人加加林, 我們也要學習他勇於嘗試的精神, 一起看看Sing And You學生如何抓住機會、挑戰自己吧! Today is Take a Chance Day. Representatives...

April 21 - Kindergarten Day 幼稚園日
4 月 21 日是德國教育家福祿貝爾的生日。他在1837 年創立了第一所「幼稚園」,主張小朋友應該自由探索、追隨自己的興趣。所以現在的幼兒園會讓小朋友唱歌、跳舞、畫畫,探索興趣! 有些學生和Celine一樣從小就跟校長Steve學習唱歌呢! April 21 is the...

April 20 - UN Chinese Language Day聯合國中文日
聯合國教科文組織於 2010 年設立了中文日,以慶祝中文成為聯合國六種官方語言之一。之前推介了很多首英文歌,不如今天一起聽中文歌吧! UNESCO created Chinese Language Day in 2010 to celebrate Chinese as...

April 19 - Garlic Day 大蒜日
雖然今日是大蒜日,但和校長Steve上唱歌堂前千其不要吃太多大蒜啊! Although it's Garlic Day, don't eat too much garlic before singing lessons with Principal Steve! I...

April 18 - Animal Crackers Day 動物餅乾日
你知道今天是動物餅乾日嗎? 唱得好的話,可能Steve校長會請你吃呢! Do you know today is Animal Crackers Day? Maybe Principal Steve will give you animal crackers if you...

April 17 - Easter 復活節
今天是復活節! 一邊聽三歲小孩子唱歌,一邊慶祝復活節吧! Today is Easter! Let's celebrate Easter while listening to a three-year-old child sing! 小兔子乖乖 Covered by...

選擇一首適合自己的歌 Choose a right song to sing
很多歌都很好聽,但哪首歌才是最適合自己的呢? 我們一起看看Steve校長是如何為唱歌學生選擇一首適合的歌吧! Many songs are very good, but which song is the best for you? Let's see how...

唱歌前可以吃辣椒醬嗎?Can I eat chili sauce- Tabasco before singing class?
Faded Covered by SAYMusic Philippe ft. - AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 { Philippe Other Music...
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