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Stay at Home and Fight against COVID-19!逆境會過,留在家中,遠離病菌!
Lady Gaga Bad Romance COVERED by Celine Tam 譚芷昀: Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:

Hong Kong Children's Online Singing Competition透過我們Sing And You音樂學校報名送價值超過 $1000 元
Hong Kong Children's Online Singing Competition透過我們Sing And You音樂學校報名送價值超過 $1000 元 Join I Got Talent 2021 Hong Kong Children's Online...

由非牟利團體舉辦I Got Talent 2021全港兒童網上歌唱大賽2021
由非牟利團體舉辦I Got Talent 2021全港兒童網上歌唱大賽2021 透過我們Sing And You音樂學校報名有以下優惠 *獲得以下3大優惠* 1. 校長和老師送出比賽前講座預備班 1小時(對揀歌有極大幫助) 2....

Which one should I choose? Dark Choco or Milk Choco? Why not both! 黑巧克力還是牛奶巧克力呢? 我全都要!
學唱歌 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow Covered by SAYMusic Amber - AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Tam Parent...

Time for tea! TEAM french toast or Team hong kong toast? 下午茶時間!你喜歡法式西多士還是港式西多士?
Runaway SAYMusic Australia Victoria ft. AGT Celine's Daddy Vocal Coach Steve Tam 學唱歌: Parent Testimonials...

AGT Celine's Next Cover "Driver's License" is coming soon....
Celine's Next Cover is coming soon.... Thanks for Waiting Support with Comments, Sharing,...

Revive history! Honor the day of broadway production in 1937!復興歷史!紀念 1937 年百老匯演出的日子!
Revive history! Honor the day of broadway production in 1937!復興歷史!紀念 1937 年百老匯演出的日子! A Million Dream Covered by SAYMusic Phillip ft. AGT...

Share Your Story! Be a listener!分享你的故事!做一個聆聽者!
Share Your Story! Be a listener!分享你的故事!做一個聆聽者! Count On Me by SAYMusic Jeremy ft. - AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 唱歌老師學唱歌:...

Respect women! recognize their hard work!尊重女性!認可她們在背後的默默耕耘
Respect women! recognize their hard work!尊重女性!認可她們在背後的默默耕耘 父女温情合唱A Million Dreams! Parent Testimonials...

Special event: All things in their being are good for something!特別活動:天生我材必有用!
於24/11/2021 香港時間早上八點至 26/11/2021 香港時間早上八點報名,並分享此帖文獲得$250優惠券!! Want to get a $250 lesson coupon? Share this post and book a lesson!...

AGT Celine 父親的唱歌學生,聲樂教練 - 15 個月培訓後,有機會在電視上表演You Raise Me Up
Student of AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach - 15 months training & Chance to Sing on TV AGT Celine 父親的學生,聲樂教練 - 15 個月培訓後,有機會在電視上唱歌表演You...

Morning Pick-me-up? grab a coffee! 早上醒醒神? 喝杯咖啡吧!
How to Sing 如何唱 I Know Where I've Been - Singing Lesson ft. Vocal Coach Steve Tam:

take a breath! Hop on your Bike! Enjoy the journey! 深呼吸!騎着你的單車!旅程愉快!
Fight Song | Dion Tam AGT Celine's Daddy Vocal Coach Steve Tam

Happy Birthday to Celine Dion 生日快樂
🎂Countdown 1 day Birthday Celine and dion tam/Happy birthday Celine and dion 🎉🎉🎂 Celine,...

Be nice to everyone! start from saying 'hello'!善待他人,從說「你好」開始!
How to Sing China Red Boat 中國紅船 ft. AGT Celine's Daddy Vocal Coach Steve Tam:
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