The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their singer dreams. 未來是屬於那些相信自己唱歌夢的人。
用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
The moment you think of giving up, think of the reason why you start singing. 當您想到放棄時,請想一想你為何開始唱歌。
I want to sing like the bird sing, no worrying about who hears.我想唱歌像鳥兒一樣唱歌,不用擔心誰會聽到。
It's time for chill and sing your own song! 是時候放鬆一下,唱你想唱的歌!
No matter people think of you, always keep singing your own song.無論別人如何評論您,堅持唱自己的歌。
Each memory has a soundtrack of it's own.What comes to your mind when you sing?每個記憶都有自己的配樂。唱歌時你會想到什麼
A word of singing encouragement is worth more than praise after success. 失敗時的一個鼓勵比表演成功後不停的讚美更有價值。
If you have a singer dream, just chase it and follow your heart.如果您有歌手夢,那就跟隨您的心並放膽去追逐它。
Happiness is that face you make when singing your favourite song! 幸福是您唱自己喜歡的歌曲時的表情!
安麗Annie 最新翻唱歌曲Fight Song - 唱歌曲多達16首包括,冰雪奇緣Show Yourself 和Let it Go
Which song is your dream wedding song? 100% is Perfect! 您的理想婚禮歌曲是哪首歌? 一定是Perfect !
What is the chemistry when vocal coach watch popular singer singing? 專業聲樂教練觀看流行歌手唱歌時的化學反應是什麼?
Success takes time. Be patient and stay focus on your singing dream!成功需要時間。要有耐心,並專注於您的歌唱夢想!
Behind every favourite song, there is untold story. How about yours?每首喜歡的歌曲的背後都有一個不為人知的故事。你自己的故事是什麼?
How to take a Covid 19 Self-Test - Positive or Negative 如何进行Covid 19自测检测推前诊断