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Because of your smile and lovely voice, you make life more beautiful. 美麗的笑容和可愛的嗓音令生活變得更加美好
Because of your smile and lovely voice, you make life more beautiful. 美麗的笑容和可愛的嗓音令生活變得更加美好。 學唱歌 - Forever Young by SAYMUSIC Selina- 跟AGT...

Tell People All about Yourself Through Singing! 給聽眾唱出你所有的故事!
Tell People All about Yourself Through Singing! 給聽眾唱出你所有的故事! 學唱歌 - Show Yourself COVERED by SAYMusic Keyola - 跟Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

Explore the World of Singing ,Your May Fall in Love!探索歌唱世界,您可能會愛上!
Explore the World of Singing ,Your May Fall in Love!探索歌唱世界,您可能會愛上! 學唱歌 - A Whole New World COVERED by SAYMusic Janice -跟Celine's Vocal...

Keep Fueling Your Fire of Singing!不斷為唱歌那團火加油!
Keep Fueling Your Fire For Singing!不斷為唱歌那團火加油! 學唱歌 - 夢在燃燒 COVERED by SAYMusic Sean 跟 AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning Singing 學習唱歌...

Don't Be Afraid to Start Singing from Basic,You'll be a Pro Soon!不要害怕從基礎開始學唱歌,您很快會成為在天上飛的大鳥
Don't Be Afraid to Start Singing from Basic,You'll be a Pro Soon!不要害怕從基礎開始學唱歌,您很快會成為在天上飛的大鳥 學唱歌 - 我是一隻小小烏 by SAYMusic Annie 跟AGT Celine's...

Start Your Love Story with Singing and Never Let It End!開始您和唱歌的愛情故事,不要讓它結束!
Start Your Love Story with Singing and Never Let It End!開始您和唱歌的愛情故事,不要讓它結束! 學唱歌 - Love Story COVERED by SAYMusic Harvey - 跟AGT Celine's...

If You're Determined to Sing, Nothing can Stop you.如果您下定決心唱歌,沒有什麼可以阻止您
If You're Determined to Sing, Nothing can Stop you.如果您下定決心唱歌,沒有什麼可以阻止您 學唱歌 - 有何不可 SAYMUSIC United States Chloe's Cover -跟AGT Celine's...

Singing Brings You to an imaginary World唱歌將您帶入一個想像中的世界
Singing Brings You to an imagine World唱歌將您帶入一個想像中的世界 學唱歌 - Let It Go COVERED by SAYMUSIC Emma - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning...

Never Say Bye to Your Singing Dream 永遠不要放棄你的唱歌夢
Never Say Bye to Your Singing Dream 永遠不要放棄你的唱歌夢 學唱歌 - GoodBye COVERED by SAYMusic Australia Kaitlyn-跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learn...

Singing and Improvement would brighten your day 唱歌和進步會讓你的一天更美好
Singing and Improvement would brighten your day 唱歌和進步會讓你的一天更美好 學唱歌 - 紅日 COVERD by SAYMusic Annie - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

Sing to Express All Your Sides! 用唱歌來表達不同面的自己
Sing to Express All Your Sides! 用唱歌來表達不同面的自己 學唱歌 - Dark Side COVERED by SAY Music Sophia & Elisha-跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

So Done with Work?Let's Sing!讀書工作很累?一起來唱歌吧!
So Done with Work?Let's Sing!讀書工作很累?一起來唱歌吧! 學唱歌 - So Done The Kid LAROI by SAYMUSIC Joshy - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning...

Realize the Dream-Singing Like an Angel!來達成天籟之音的夢想吧!
Realize the Dream-Singing Like an Angel! 來達成天籟之音的夢想吧! 學唱歌 - A Million Dream by SAYMusic Nana&Dr.Steve-跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

Start Singing!The Sky is the Limit 開始學唱歌吧!宇宙是你的極限
Start Singing!The Sky is the Limit 開始學唱歌吧!宇宙是你的極限 學唱歌-You Raise Me Up Covered by SAYMusic Zuzanna-跟AGT Celine的聲樂教練Steve Learn Singing學唱歌...

If Singing Brings You Smile, It's the Right Thing for You 如果唱歌讓你微笑,那就是適合你的東西
If Singing Brings You Smile, It's the Right Thing for You 如果唱歌讓你微笑,那就是你愛的東西。 學唱歌 - Part of the World by SAYMUSIC Japanese Keyola-跟AGT...
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