Privacy Policy Statement
Sing and You Music Center 音樂實踐家承諾遵從《個人資料(私穩)條例》的規定,及確保本中心
Sing and You Music Center music practitioners promise to comply with the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" and ensure that the center Faculty and staff abide by the privacy policy guidelines.
收集個人資料聲明Personal Information Collection Statement
1. 本網頁收集閣下的個人資料,以處理及跟進閣下提交的申請或查詢。
1. This webpage collects your personal data to process and follow up your application or inquiry.
2. 本網頁所收集個人資料將作以下用途:
– 確認閣下的身份
– 處理閣下的申請
– 回答閣下的查詢
2. The personal data collected on this page will be used for the following purposes:
-Confirm your identity
-Process your application
-To answer your enquiry
3. 提供個人資料純屬自願性質。在個人資料不足夠的情況下, 本中心不能為閣下提供所需服務或作出回應。
3. The provision of personal data is purely voluntary. In the case of insufficient personal information, the center cannot provide you with the required services or respond.
4. 使用者以電子方式傳遞的資料,有機會在過程中被第三者竊取。使用者如因此引致損失,本中心將不會負責。
4. The information transmitted by the user electronically may be stolen by a third party in the process. The center will not be responsible for any losses caused by users.
5. 所收集得的個人資料將會絕對保密。除非獲得資料當事人同意或在法律強制下,否則本網頁不會向外界機構或團體披露當事人在作出要求或查詢時所提供的任何個人資料。
5. The personal information collected will be kept strictly confidential. Unless the consent of the data subject is obtained or is compulsory by law, this webpage will not disclose any personal data provided by the subject when making a request or inquiries to external organizations or groups.
6. 除非特別列明,本中心一般會保留使用者之申請或查詢時所提供的資料十二個月。
6. Unless otherwise specified, the center will generally retain the information provided by the user during application or inquiry for twelve months.
7. 資料當事人有權查閱及更正本網頁持有其個人的資料。本中心或會在提供有關資料前收取費用。
7. The data subject has the right to access and correct the personal data held on this website. The center may charge fees before providing relevant information.
8. 如欲查閱或更改圖書館所持有閣下的個人資料,請電郵至info@singandyou.com
8. To access or change your personal data held by the library